🏆 Práve prebieha súťaž s hrou VR€CKOVÉ!

Financial Education Centre

At EFC, we make sure your children have a financial education from a young age and achieve success in life.

How do we educate financial literacy?


🎲 Board game VR€CKOVÉ

... is an original game for children from 7 years old. It serves as a kind welcome for the little ones to the world of finance.
The future in your own hands

🎓 Everyone encounters finances in life

Why aren't schools preparing your children for such an important role in life?
What do we do?
Venujeme sa aj

Vzdelávanie zamestnancov

Osobné financie
Rozvojový program
Digitálne zručnosti

Koho vzdelávame?

Join us too!
We wish that all children could learn about finance in everyday life. At EFC+, we prepare children from orphanages for a life of dignity.
Your opinion matters

⭐️ Reviews

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Our team

👋🏼 EFC lecturers

Send CV and cover letter to [email protected]. We also have our own training program for our tutors!

Online support

Alternatively, call: +421 911 221 300